The Trip

    The 'twenties and the 'thirties.  The Art Deco era, the Jazz era, the Silent Movie era.  It was also the era of the Passenger Aeroplane. Engaged by airlines to sell their services, the new phenomenon of air travel became a decorative subject for artists.  In fact, much of the Art Deco graphic art we associate with the period is identified in with air travel.  The enduring quality of the Travel poster is established on alluring, iconic images, excellent graphic design, and the powerful real/symbol of escapism the aircraft is.  It is these timeless elements that are BY AIR Classique.

  For armchair travelers  BY AIR Classique is a way to tour the world in images, and our intention, time and business permitting, is to create a substantial set of cards that will be a journey for the imagination.  Have you got your tickets?    

The aircraft of this time are also considered to include the most beautiful aeroplanes that ever flew with the bi-plane and the flying boat at their zenith. Today most of these designs only survive in photographs. To really appreciate these beautiful and significant aircraft they are best seen as models and in a constant scale.  We have spent over three years developing our detailed designs for making BY AIR Classique paper based models. In many instances these are the only available models of an aircraft type. 

   Most of the people who flew in the skies of the twenties and thirties are not with us any more. Their achievements and their designs are worthy subjects for any creative enterprise. Air travel would never be the same. Through our designs we hope to bring to new audiences an appreciation of both history and aviation art.

Rosie Louise and Terry Moyle, Contour Creative Studio.